Sunday, September 27, 2009

Divine Wealth

Due to overwellming response to the masterful ebook Divine Wealth (found on which details the seven key ways to master extreme wealth, Dr. Greszczyszyn is writing two other important extension to the Divine Wealth Series.

1) Divine Wealth Part II: Breakthrough Secrets
2) Divine Wealth Part III: Seven Things Not to do When Trying to Create Wealth

Look for these advanced metaphysical and spiritual ways to create divine wealth. Like all other breakthrough abundant ebooks on although books which will help you breakthrough into cosmic abundance (wealth, divinity, beauty, longevity, deathlessness, power, and fame) all ebooks can be purchased for less than the price of a single coffee.

Here to your abundance,
Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

PS Go now and buy Divine Wealth at

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Key to Manifesting

What is the key to manifesting? Some say goal planning, others work, some desire. One if not the greatest keys to manifesting wealth, abundance, health, relationships, fame, godliness, and spiritual powers, is to visualize the desired manifestation while in Samadhi.

See the desired action, result, consequence while visualizing it at the third eye. Doing so while in Samadhi is the greatest teachable technique to build manifesting powers.

Look for future free videos on which will explain some key ways to practice entering into Samadhi.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tired Tested Way To Immortality

What is one if not the most effective methods to immortality? Surrender.
By surrendering to guru and GOD, you begin to take the required steps to becoming more divine. There are four key things which can help you realize full or most complete surrender.

1. Understand that by surrendering you are not giving up choice, power, health, or even identity.
2. By unlocking the power of guru you are not stopping from loving GOD.
3. By listening to guru, you are in closest proximity becoming closer to God.
4. Understand that guru which although closest to GOD, does not mean that he or she is GOD.

There are also three things which you should understand about not surrendering.

1. Everyone will eventually surrender back to GOD.
2. If you are thinking about surrender, then the choice has been made.
3. If you want to think more about surrender, the choice is that you become more critical of the choice.

And there is three main benefits to surrender.

1. Become more spiritual (awakened, powerful, able to manifest, or able to teach)
2. Get closer to GOD.
3. Learn the higher chakras.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Keys To Life Purpose

What are the keys to knowing if you are on or performing your life mission/purpose/role?

There are three keys to knowing if you have found your life mission. When you have found your life mission then you can begin to work towards completing your soul purpose, becoming a master, icon and even God. Remember Jesus Christ told us "Ye are Gods"! To become omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (ever present or all encompassing) you have to first unlock and become realized.

The key to becoming realized is not only opening the 7th or crown chakra but it is working three main keys. It is these three keys which support a lifestyle based on soul purpose.

1. Doing something you love
2. Doing something you are good at
3. Doing something which serves people

Having a life or purpose which supports these three goals or affairs, will yield the highest result, abundance, powers, realizations, and spiritual and material advancement.

Blessings and abundance,
Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Samadhi. In Christianity it is the second death. Buddhism; nirvana, Taoism; emptiness, New Age; void or zero-point. All these and more terms relate to the blissful divine union with God.

Samadhi is that state of Soul/God union when the mind becomes single pointed on the object of meditation. Breathing stops, and heart rate ceases to beat. Because of these physiological "changes" which resemble death, early Jews and Christian called Samadhi the "second death".

This second death is spoken about in the Holy Bibles Book of Revelations, when it speaks of unloosening the seven seals. The seven seals (candlesticks, churches, spirits, or vials, horsemen, and even seals)are the seven human body chakras.

Opening the seventh seal or chakra brings about enlightenment, nirvana, void, samadhi, or even the second death.

It is this blissful union with God which is spoken about not only in the Book of Revelations, but through each major world religion.

What is so important of Samadhi or the Second Death. Entering Samadhi is like heightened prayer. Repeated bouts of Samadhi is like the highest contact with God. In Samadhi you are linked to God. Linking to God you can develop powers (spiritual siddhis; levitation, becoming as small as an atom, as large as the universe, achieving and desire, and more-see wikipedia: siddhis).

Besides the eight major siddhis which can become developed, there is also minor siddhis like teleportation, manifesting, spontaneous healing, telekinesis, or even telepathy.

The key to entering Samadhi is repeative focused meditation, pranayama, asana, or even mantra. By fostering a disciplined life of yoga, and a desire to witness God, the Soul/God will come out from the midst of the silence and become present and observable.

Later this month (Sept. 2009) there will be additions to building upon the basics of powerful, breakthrough divine Kriya, Yoga, and manifesting tools. Through these free exercises, you will learn what Samadhi looks, feels and is, and you will learn methods by which you can learn to repeatedly enter Samadhi.

Blessing and Abundance,
Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn